Burns are the fourth most common cause of trauma worldwide. They affect more than 11 million people annually.
These common injuries can be small enough to heal within a few minutes. Other times, they can get deadly.
What is a 6th-degree burn? It’s a term you need to know if you’re about to begin a burn injury case. Read on to learn more.
What Are the Burn Severity Levels?
Burn severity levels are measured in degrees. They start at first and go up based on how much of the body is affected.
First-degree burns are the most common and the least severe. They only affect the upper layer of the skin known as the epidermis. A few examples of these types of burns include:
- Sunburns
- Brief exposure to hot oil
- Seat belt burn
- Road rash
Your skin might be red and dry, but it won’t blister. Over-the-counter burn treatment options such as ointments or pain medication are typically enough. They’ll clear these minor injuries up quickly.
Second-degree burns affect the epidermis and part of the layer below, known as the dermis. The skin becomes red, and blisters may form.
They’re typically caused by longer exposure to a hot object or scalding liquids or chemicals. They require immediate medical attention.
Third-degree burns damage both layers of the skin and may even reach deeper into the tissue below. That’s why they’re also known as full-thickness burns.
Common causes include:
- Prolonged electrical shocks
- Severely scalding liquids
- Prolonged exposure to flames
Third-degree burns aren’t painful because they destroy nerve endings. You should still seek immediate medical attention for them.
These burns are severe enough to require skin grafts to replace damaged skin. They can also cause chronic pain or a loss of mobility or muscle mass.
Fourth and Fifth-Degree
Fourth and fifth-degree burns don’t just damage the layers of your skin. They can also damage the parts of your body below it, including:
- Muscles
- Tendons
- Blood vessels
- Nerves
- Bones
These injuries require immediate attention and are life-threatening. There’s a risk of shock or infection setting in quickly.
If you have or your loved ones have suffered from burn injuries caused by someone else’s negligence, contacting a personal injury lawyer would be recommended.
What Is a 6th-Degree Burn?
After understanding the other burn levels, you may still be wondering, what constitutes a 6th-degree burn?
It’s the most severe type of burn of all because it affects every layer of the body.
Almost anything that causes burns can cause this severe condition if the patient is exposed to it for long enough. A few of the most common severe burn causes include:
- Fire
- Radiation
- Explosions
- Cooking accidents
- Car accidents
- Prolonged contact with electrical appliances
The chance of survival is unfortunately low in these cases. There are just too many types of burn injuries involved.
The skin becomes white or black. Everything from the skin down to the bones begins to break down. Charring occurs throughout the body. Shock prevents the organs from getting enough oxygen and blood.
The outlook may be poor for 6th-degree burns, but it’s not impossible. There is a chance for survival if the burn is caught quickly and sent for treatment early.
What Are Your Burn Recovery Treatment Options?
Standard burn treatment options such as skin grafts don’t work for 6th-degree burns. There’s too much skin to cover, and they can’t stop what’s going on inside the body.
The likelihood of complications during any type of treatment is also high. 75% of all burn deaths are the result of infections. When the skin gets burnt away, there’s nothing left to stop bacteria from getting in.
Almost nothing works for 6th-degree burns, but the chance for a miracle is still there. Amputation is one of the only effective methods. It’s a life-saving procedure if one limb is affected but the rest of the body is protected from the heat source that caused the burn.
The burn recovery process is long and painful for those who do survive. They may require continual skin grafts and follow-up surgeries for a long time. This may result in permanent scars. That’s nothing to say of the emotional scars left behind. All of their treatment is also a major financial burden for patients.
What Does This Mean Legally?
There isn’t a specific level of burn injury you have to suffer to bring a case to court. It may, however, affect what type of case you bring and the types of compensation you get in the end.
The prognosis for a 6th-degree burn is so poor that they’re typically only diagnosed after an autopsy. You may not even know about it until after your loved one dies. That makes them common in wrongful death cases.
You may still have a case if you or a loved one faced a 6th-degree burn and survived. Cases like that require a personal injury lawyer.
The process for both types of cases is simple. Your lawyer will work to get you compensation you deserve for:
- Medical expenses
- Loss of life (if needed)
- Pain and suffering
They will investigate the crime scene to prove liability. It’s essential to prove another party’s negligence led to the burn injury.
They’ll look into all the necessary records, such as medical records or reports from the crime scene.
They’ll also gather experts to testify for you as to the extent of your injuries. This could include doctors, firefighters, or anyone else who knows about the case. Explaining to the jury what degree of burn injury occurred may sway their opinion and help you win.
Where Can You Find the Best Lawyer for Your Burn Injury Settlement?
6th Degree Burns are most severe and deadliest classification of burn injuries. When it happens to you or a loved one, you need an experienced burn injury attorney to get the right compensation for you.
Titan Law Firm offers a team of highly experienced personal injury lawyers devoted to the needs of our clients above all else. We’re ready to help you fight for what is rightfully yours.
Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you with your case. Call 888.848.2656 now or schedule a Free Case Evaluation here.